31 travel inspirational movies of all the time with quotes
Here is my favorite list of 31 travel inspirational movies of all the time that inspired me to grab my backpack to just live, go, travel & explore. I swear I watched the No.1, 2, 3, 8, 21 & 31 more than 5 times.
1. The secret life of Walter Mitty
One of the best modern Travel inspirational movies of my time. This very motivational movie can make you move to tears.
I still remember the first time I watched this movie was summer 2013, decided to quit my job the week after to backpack South East Asia.
Released In April 2013, nearly 20 minutes of footage was presented by Fox at CinemaCon in Las Vegas followed by a theatrical trailer release in July, both of which began to spark awards speculation.
The movie is about an employee (Walter Mitty) at Life magazine and his adventure to discover the world in an unexpected and fantastic way. The landscape of Iceland’s breathtaking. It’s not only motivational but also hilarious.
Here are some inspirational travel quotes that I’ll never forget:

Source: best.movie.lines

“Walter Mitty: To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.” – Photo source: businessstraightup.com
“Sean O’Connell: Sometimes I don’t. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don’t like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.”
2. Eat Pray Love

source: alphaomegaarts.blogspot.com
“Eat, Pray love” is another must-see travel inspirational movie, a guide to discover one’s best self, to relish peace & to live your life the same way. We’re always searching for happiness outside but hardly realize that it’s an inside job. The “Eat, Pray, Love” by American author Elizabeth Gilbert’s with my favorite actress Julia Roberts in the film (2010) has changed Bali forever. Eat, pray, love may make you see romance, adventure and spirit with new eyes.
Eat, Pray, Love’s inspirational travel quotes:

Source: idiva.com

source: www.aminka.xyz

source: scoopwhoop.com
3. Before Sunset, Before Sunrise, Before Midnight
4. The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants
5. Into the Wild
6. Under the Tuscan Sun
7. Italy of Course
8. Cheetah Girls 2
9. Motorcycle Diaries
10. The Gods Must be Crazy
11. Documentaries: Long Way Down and Long Way Around
12. Wild
13. Only You
14. Sisterhood of Traveling Pants
15. Chasing Liberty
16. The Beach
17. Hideous Kinky
18. Diane Lane
19. Casablanca
20. The Lizzie McGuire Movie
21. Forrest Gump
22. Letters to Juliet
23. Lost in Translation
24. Lilo and Stitch: Kauai, Hawaii
25. Tangled
26. Up
27. The Adventures of Tintin
28. The Lucky One
29. Midnight in Paris
30. Notting Hill
31. About Time (2013)
The movie About Time is a beautiful yet painful narration of life, love and loss. The protaganist possess a special power to travel back in time and make everything perfect but gradually realizes that life is beautiful when you cherish and embrace the imperfections.
About Time’s travel inspirational quotes:

Tim Lake: All the time traveling in the world can’t make someone love you (photo: scoop whoop.com

Tim Lake: We’re all traveling through time together, everyday of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. (Photo: pinterest.com)

Tim Lake: The truth is, I now don’t travel back at all, not even for a day. I just try to live everyday as if I have deliberately come back to this one day, to enjoy it… As if it was the full, final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life. (Photo: pinterest.com)

Tim Lake: Some days you want to re-live forever. (photo: scoopwhoop.com)
The movie really left an imprint on my heart and inspired me to relish the present in every day of my extraordinary, ordinary life.
Also read 10 inspirational books that inspire you to travel (coming soon).
-W.H Nomad-